All-New X-Men #36 Review

Ultimate Dr. Doom's energy blast sure has a lot of kick. All-New X-Men #35 ended just as Miles Morales launched a sudden attack on Doom only to be countered by a devastating blast. Issue #36 continues from that super-ultra-combo finisher with a double-page spread of the Doctor surveying his victory. Two sets of X-Men and... Continue Reading →

[Comic Review] Doomed — All-New X-Men #35

All-New X-Men #35 wastes little time and gets right into the thick of things with an epic double-page spread of the X-Men of Earth-616 fighting alongside the Ultimate X-Men and Spider-Man against Dr. Doom's various machinations. The superheroes have come to Doom's headquarters in Latveria to rescue Hank McCoy who's being held hostage there. Things... Continue Reading →

Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 Review

The mystery of what happened to Eva Bell during her disappearance back in Uncanny X-Men #17 is finally explained. Sort of. To recap -- Back in issue #17, Bell and her teammates were stranded in Tabula Rasa by Magik for a bit of a training session. The crap hit the fan when a giant beast... Continue Reading →

Uncanny X-Men #28 Review

First, a few things -- one of which I should have pointed out before, but failed to include. Inside the cover in the credits, you'll see something that only recently started happening. At the bottom where the creator credits once only mentioned Stan Lee, a new name has been rightfully added. Though we don't know... Continue Reading →

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