White Hot Light — Avengers #7 Review

There's a superflow that runs through every universe, and it's under attack. Or it was. The sudden attack on ascension stations monitoring the superflow in different universes has culminated in the destruction of the main station at the nexus of the superflow. It's the kind of threat Tony Stark and Steve Rogers saw coming when... Continue Reading →

Avengers #6 Review

A few issues ago in Avengers #4, a larger and mightier version of Earth's mightiest heroes gathered on Mars and battled a mysterious trio of extra terrestrials led by Ex Nihilo. The battle on Mars escalated until Captain Universe appeared, proclaimed she liked pie, and then ended the conflict single-handed. After two issues exploring the... Continue Reading →

Another Avenger — Avengers #5 Review

The spotlight on Avengers #5 falls on the newest Smasher, Isabel "Izzy" Dare, whose origin story begins with her finding an organic construct out in the fields of her family's farm. A former astronomy student who gave up schooling to help out on the farm, Dare helps out where she can and bridges the gap between... Continue Reading →

The Sun Rises — Avengers #4 Review

In the aftermath of Ex Nihilo's plans to change life on Earth, the Avengers are tasked with finding and locking down known impact sites to prevent spreading contamination and to keep interest groups out. In Japan, the Hand has already infiltrated one sector with no further news, and the governments of Canada and Australia have... Continue Reading →

Sudden Halt — Avengers #3 Review

Avengers #3 begins with a quick one-page recap for those hopping on board a little late for Marvel NOW!'s relaunch of the series. Reiterating the need for a larger team comprised of Earth's mightiest heroes, issue #3 is a showcase for the team's increasingly inclusive membership that's now filled with more of Marvel's superheroes, well-known... Continue Reading →

Answering the Call — Avengers #2 Review

Origin stories get their spotlight in Avengers #2 as the bulk of the book is spent in different timelines defining the threat and the team designed to defeat it. The main team, held captive by Ex Nihilo and his cohorts, learns about the Alephs, Nihilo's mission to create higher forms of life according to his own vision,... Continue Reading →

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