Secret Empire #2 Review

When an argument divides the Underground, will hope survive? Now that Rick Jones' cellphone has been decrypted, the Underground hears out what he found out about Steve Rogers and the Cosmic Cube that rewrote history. By gathering the pieces of the Cube, which have been scattered all over the planet, our heroes can restore history... Continue Reading →

Civil War II #1 Review

Prepare yourselves for war! Again! Hot off the heels of a Civil War movie -- which, in turn, was based very loosely on the comic crossover of the same name -- comes Civil War Part Dos #1. Written by Brian Michael Bendis with beautifully rendered panels from artist David Marquez and colorist Justin Ponsor, the... Continue Reading →

[Comic Review] Home — Captain America #10

Apparently, last issue's anti-climactic battle that finished with Arnim Zola's death wasn't the end of Zola after all. With Zola's battlestation still heading towards Earth, the stakes are raised when Princess Jet Black, overcome by grief, fights to keep her father's dream alive while Captain America and Sharon Carter give chase. The plot thickens when... Continue Reading →

War: Captain America #5 Review

The battle for Dimension Z begins as Armin Zola's army descends upon the last of the Phroxians. Captain America and his young charge, Ian, after finding a possible exit to Earth, rush back to fight alongside their comrades. From the get-go, things aren't looking great for Steve Rogers. It almost feels like an understatement to... Continue Reading →

Captain America #4 Review

Captain America continues the fight against Arnim Zola in Captain America #4 which takes place 11 years after the events in issue #3. Last seen in a moment of horror, Steve Rogers uncovered his chest in to find Zola's face embedded into it. Since then, the past decade hasn't been kind to Rogers and his... Continue Reading →

Captain America #2 Review

A year passes in between issue #1 and issue #2 of Captain America, and the bearded superhero with his young charge have survived off instincts. The never-ending quest to find his way back home has numbed Steve Rogers, but it hasn't broken him though the thought to end it all with a self-inflicted wound is... Continue Reading →

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