Wonder Woman #37 Review

Superheroes don't take vacation. When was the last time Bruce Wayne took off to the Bahamas just to chill, heal up, and get his mind back in the game? Nope -- it just doesn't happen. When you become a superhero, your work is never finished. Every moment you're not on the battlefield, it's research and... Continue Reading →

An Interview with Nigel Twumasi

With a dash of dramatic flair, and the subtlety of a bull in a China shop, the Samurai Chef judges his contestants' dishes with his katana.  The various Kitches competing for an ultimate victory know their dishes live or die by the blade, and they'll have to come up with some interesting tactics to defeat... Continue Reading →

An Interview with John Hageman

  At first, The Woodland Welfare Manifesto looks like something you might see in the children' section of your local comic shop. The colors are vibrant, and most of the characters are ... cuddly-ish animals. And then, the main character urinates on a government document. The Woodland Welfare Manifesto, narrated by Uncle Stas, details the... Continue Reading →

An Interview With Random Cushing

  There's very little setup for the main character in the first two episodes of Random Cushing's comic series Refill.  What's present are quickly paced stories filled with action, characters, and unpredictable plot turns. The art doesn't settle for two dimensions -- the layouts feel incredibly alive with movement. That each episode is a self-contained... Continue Reading →

Big Wow! 2014 Cosplayer Gallery

The cosplayer talent at Big Wow! 2014 was a sight to behold. I especially enjoyed the group pictures taken downstairs in the foyer. Bill Watters set the groups up, gave directions, and rotated photographers in and out. (Bill deserves muchos kudos for giving the cosplayers a great outlet that also considers accessibility for the photographers.... Continue Reading →

Big Wow! 2014 Roundup

Big Wow! is only an hour away from me, but I've never been. Why? I don't know. But this year, I saw what I've been missing. Before the convention, I gathered some information on what I should expect from Big Wow! -- I was told it was artist-friendly, a bit more intimate, and less frantic. I checked... Continue Reading →

An Interview with Andrez Bergen

I was first introduced to Andrez Bergen through the Comic Book Community on Google+. A fan of comics, Bergen has worked with artists from around the world for several stories.  He's also a novelist and a musician -- a sort of Renaissance Man. Corresponding with Andrez, I've become acquainted with a humble yet confident author... Continue Reading →

Get Lifted — Lazarus #7 Review

The correspondence page found at the end of the issue will tell you the creative team needed two extra pages for Lazarus #7. After reading the issue, it's plain to see why. In terms of density, Lazarus #7 earns the title of heaviest issue of the series. Jumping from plot to plot, the events this... Continue Reading →

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