Super Avengers – Eternals Review

The Eternals is a visually beautiful film that tries, but fails, to lay down some deeply profound conflicts. Over the course of its 157-minute runtime, it manages to somehow fail to plumb those conflicts in any real meaningful way.

Secret Empire #2 Review

When an argument divides the Underground, will hope survive? Now that Rick Jones' cellphone has been decrypted, the Underground hears out what he found out about Steve Rogers and the Cosmic Cube that rewrote history. By gathering the pieces of the Cube, which have been scattered all over the planet, our heroes can restore history... Continue Reading →

Secret Empire #1 Review

The Cap's out of the bag, and modern history in the Marvel Universe is as it -- ahem -- should be. Not that fans are happy with the development. It was one thing to turn Captain America into a Hydra agent. It was another to reveal that the entirety of Marvel Comics history was a... Continue Reading →

Full Rotation — Doctor Strange Review

In his cinematic debut, Strange is more or less the same character -- changes were made to make him fit in line with the impending Infinity War. We're introduced to the character at the height of his arrogance as he pokes fun at public health care, sorts through a drawer full of high-end watches to fit his tux for a speaking engagement, and handpicks his next surgery case.

Civil War II #2 Review

Tony Stark infiltrates New Attilan, setting off even more conflict in Civil War II #2. Having losing best friend James Rhodes (War Machine) last issue, Stark kidnaps Ulysses from his new home to learn more about the young man's supposed ability to see visions of the future. While he studies and interrogates the boy, the... Continue Reading →

Civil War II #1 Review

Prepare yourselves for war! Again! Hot off the heels of a Civil War movie -- which, in turn, was based very loosely on the comic crossover of the same name -- comes Civil War Part Dos #1. Written by Brian Michael Bendis with beautifully rendered panels from artist David Marquez and colorist Justin Ponsor, the... Continue Reading →

Secret Wars #6 Review

Doom's control over the new Marvel continuity is beginning to splinter as rival factions rise in power. Three weeks after the events in issue #5, much has happened. Corvus Glaive and his wife Proxima Midnight have been captured, and Black Swan is now in Doom's employ. Doom has tasked his daughter Valeria with discovering Stephen... Continue Reading →

To Be Or Not, Diversity in Question

Alex Abad-Santos over at Vox penned a great article summing up a lot of the controversy and background regarding Marvel and Netflix's next superhero venture -- Iron Fist. Go ahead and read that first if you need a primer because Abad-Santos makes some really fantastic points that I'm going to use as background for this... Continue Reading →

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