War: Captain America #5 Review

The battle for Dimension Z begins as Armin Zola's army descends upon the last of the Phroxians. Captain America and his young charge, Ian, after finding a possible exit to Earth, rush back to fight alongside their comrades. From the get-go, things aren't looking great for Steve Rogers. It almost feels like an understatement to... Continue Reading →

Captain America #4 Review

Captain America continues the fight against Arnim Zola in Captain America #4 which takes place 11 years after the events in issue #3. Last seen in a moment of horror, Steve Rogers uncovered his chest in to find Zola's face embedded into it. Since then, the past decade hasn't been kind to Rogers and his... Continue Reading →

Captain America #2 Review

A year passes in between issue #1 and issue #2 of Captain America, and the bearded superhero with his young charge have survived off instincts. The never-ending quest to find his way back home has numbed Steve Rogers, but it hasn't broken him though the thought to end it all with a self-inflicted wound is... Continue Reading →

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