All-New X-Men #36 Review

Ultimate Dr. Doom's energy blast sure has a lot of kick. All-New X-Men #35 ended just as Miles Morales launched a sudden attack on Doom only to be countered by a devastating blast. Issue #36 continues from that super-ultra-combo finisher with a double-page spread of the Doctor surveying his victory. Two sets of X-Men and... Continue Reading →

All-New X-Men #30 Review

All-New X-Men #30 takes a break from the norm to develop and work on some character-to-character issues. Picking up at the swell of a whirlwind romance between Laura Kinney and Warren Worthington III after a night of clubbing and, well, clubbing (literally!), the two go through an impromptu DTR that challenges their notions of each other, especially... Continue Reading →

All-New X-Men #23 Review

A few days ago, I imagined what I'd ask Brian Michael Bendis if I could get one question in for an interview. "What is it about you that Marvel would put their X-Men franchise in your hands?" Bendis is talented, obviously, and he's shaping up to be the Chris Claremont of this generation. But that... Continue Reading →

All-New X-Men #15 Review

Probably the biggest reason X-Men fans should pick up the All-New X-Men series is Jean Grey. Though she's died several times -- at least three by my count -- Grey, aka Marvel Girl, has a special place in the hearts of comic readers the world over. When All-New X-Men launched, it was a chance for... Continue Reading →

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