The Wonders You Will Do — Wonder Woman Review

In comparing Wonder Woman the film against the rest of the superhero movies out there, it's got a lot of what you'd expect -- an origin story, a plot that puts the world at stake, and some brilliantly choreographed and filmed action sequences. The cinematography is beautiful, and the musical score is well done, eliciting the appropriate response -- whether it's an adrenaline rush or a moment of reflection.

The Deepest Cut — Logan Review

Logan takes place somewhere in the future, though things look pretty similar to modern times, politically and socially. Logan now goes by James Howlett, and he's no longer a member of the X-Men -- he's a limousine chauffeur who transports millenial bridal parties and businessmen around by night. During the day, he hides out in an undisclosed location somewhere in Mexico with Caliban (Stephen Merchant) and Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), whose mental health has been on a steep decline.

False Alarm — X-Men: Apocalypse Review

★★ Another day, another X-Men movie. After Days of Future Past effectively rebooted the entire series by rewriting the future, the series comes full circle by bringing back a bunch of familiar superpowers in teenage form -- Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Nightcrawler, and Storm. X-Men: Apocalypse trailers begged answers for the questions: Who will join the... Continue Reading →

Fantastic Four (2015) Review

“Go see it for yourself,“ they said. Fans of the movie came to its defense in various comments section, and their words were strong. “Those who hated it were biased.” “Yeah, it wasn’t that bad. It was actually pretty good.” “I hate when people say don’t watch a movie. You should see it and make up your... Continue Reading →

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